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Building Envelope

Interior/Exterior Infrared Analysis

Areas of Heat Loss in  a Building

The exterior of the building must be scanned after sunset, allowing any solar gain to dissipate, enabling us to get a true conduction loss through the exterior walls. There should be a temperature differential of at least 20 degrees F between the inside and outside of the building.

Types of Heat/Energy Loss Scans we will be Performing


Conduction of heat through a structure enables us to locate poorly insulated areas, insulation voids and moisture within the insulation.


Exfiltration of warm air enables us to locate openings around doors and windows as well as construction seam openings, stress cracks in walls and water penetration points.


Infiltration of cold air enables us to locate, from the inside, insulation voids as well as air leakage at wall plates and interior wall.

Scanner View

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